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American Advertising Awards

The American Advertising Awards is a three-tiered creative competition. Winners receive gold and/or silver ADDY awards. AAF District 2 hosts the second-tier competition of winners from local competitions in New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland and the District of Columbia. Gold winners will automatically move on to the National competition and Silver winners may forward at the entrant’s expense.

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American Advertising Awards

The American Advertising Awards is a three-tiered creative competition. Winners receive gold and/or silver ADDY awards. AAF District 2 hosts the second-tier competition of winners from local competitions in New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland and the District of Columbia. Gold winners will automatically move on to the National competition and Silver winners may forward at the entrant’s expense.

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National Student Advertising Competition

Each year, a corporate sponsor provides an assignment or case study outlining the history of its product and current advertising situation. The case study is always candid and reflects a real world situation. Students must research the product and its competition, identify potential problem areas and devise a completely integrated communications campaign for the client. Each student team then “pitches” its campaign to a panel of judges.

Regional NSAC competitions are held each spring in 15 districts throughout the U.S. The winning team in each district then advances to compete on the national level at the AAF National Conference in June. Districts having 12 or more teams are granted a Wild Card Team.

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National Student Advertising Competition

Each year, a corporate sponsor provides an assignment or case study outlining the history of its product and current advertising situation. The case study is always candid and reflects a real world situation. Students must research the product and its competition, identify potential problem areas and devise a completely integrated communications campaign for the client. Each student team then “pitches” its campaign to a panel of judges.

Regional NSAC competitions are held each spring in 15 districts throughout the U.S. The winning team in each district then advances to compete on the national level at the AAF National Conference in June. Districts having 12 or more teams are granted a Wild Card Team.

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D2 Leadership Conference

D2 Executive Board Members, Club Officers, Future Club Officers, Executive Directors, and Club Members welcome!

The District 2 Leadership Conference is an annual event hosted in various cities in the D2 region. Each year a dedicated group of industry leaders gather together to grow, learn and lead the industry forward through a series of focused workshops in the host city.

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D2 Leadership Conference

D2 Executive Board Members, Club Officers, Future Club Officers, Executive Directors, and Club Members welcome!

The District 2 Leadership Conference is an annual event hosted in various cities in the D2 region. Each year a dedicated group of industry leaders gather together to grow, learn and lead the industry forward through a series of focused workshops in the host city.

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