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American Advertising Awards – Philadelphia Metro

AAF Philadelphia Metro

Includes Delaware & Southern New Jersey

2024-2025 American Advertising Awards Competition

The American Advertising Awards is one of the industry’s largest creative competitions, attracting nearly 35,000 professional and student entries each year through local club competitions. The mission of the American Advertising Awards is to recognize and reward the spirit of creative excellence in advertising.

Conducted annually by the American Advertising Federation (AAF), the local Ad Club phase is the first of a three-tier, national competition. Concurrently, all across the country, local entrants vie to win the coveted ADDY Awards – recognition as the very best in their markets. At the second tier, local ADDY winners compete against winners from other local clubs in one of 15 district competitions. District ADDY winners are then forwarded to the third tier, the national stage of the American Advertising Awards competition. Entry in the local Ad Club competition is the first step toward winning a national ADDY.

Entering the American Advertising Awards supports the entire advertising industry because the AAF and its local and district affiliates use the proceeds to enhance advertising through programs such as public service, internships, advocacy groups, advertising education, and consumer awareness.

To enter, new users must register as a student or a professional entrant for the AAF Philadelphia Metro competition. Enter Here.  

Returning entrants can access the system using last year’s username/password. 

Forget your info?  No problem,  email [email protected] for a reset.


You can find the Professional Rules and Revised Categories here.    

Students, Rules and Categories here.

All submissions must follow the rules and submission guidelines.  


Professional & Student timelines:

Online System Opens Now

On-time Entries Due January 7, 2025, 5:00pm

Late Entries Due January 13, 2025, 5:00pm


No physical entries are necessary.  However, you must download and sign your manifest and email it to [email protected].  Invoices will be sent to you when the signed manifest is received.  All entries must be paid for immediately.



Eligibility Requirements 

  • All work entered in the American Advertising Awards competition must have first appeared between January 1 and December 31, 2024. 
  • With the exceptions of Pro Bono Advertising and Advertising Industry Self Promotion categories, and student entries, work entered must have been the result of paid creative services and/or media placement in the normal course of business. 
  • Entries must be submitted in the CBSA, DMA or MSA where the work was created (as defined by Arbitron or Nielsen for your local market). If multiple Ad Clubs are in the same CBSA, DMA or MSA the Ad Club located nearest to the entrant geographically will be the entry site. 
  • In the event there are entrants located in markets not served by a local American Advertising Awards-affiliated show, the acceptance, processing, judging, forwarding and fees of those entries will be decided by the governing body of the district in which the entrant is located. Additional geographic considerations are covered on page 6 of the Rules & Categories document. 
VIEW 2023-2024 WINNERSVIEW 2022-2023 WINNERS

Questions? Please contact:

D2, AAF Philly Metro & NYC Metro American Advertising Awards Co-Chair Contact Information


Evie DeSarno
[email protected]

Matt Hildebrand

[email protected]

NOTE:  please try Evie first with any questions that you have

Interested in placing an ad in the digital winners listing, drop us a line here for more details!

Join the AAF Philly Metro contact list

Please email Evie DeSarno with your interest.

Evie DeSarno
[email protected]

Interested in placing an ad in the digital winners listing, drop us a line
here for more details!

Want to be added to our contact list? Email Evie.